
Category: Industry News

Industry News

Kirkland unveils new programs to create more housing options

Kirkland unveiled two new programs in its quest to create more housing options within the city. Last month, the growing Eastside city became the latest municipality in King County to add a pre-approved Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU) program that offers a faster, more affordable, and simplified way to create [..]

May 4, 2023

Industry News

Issues & Impacts: April 2023

Issues & Impacts is a quarterly publication produced by the SEATTLE KingCounty REALTORS® to inform members about current issues and successes within your Governmental Affairs Department. SEATTLE KingCounty REALTORS® (SKCR) is ensuring that public policies support homeownership and your business’s bottom line. View the full publication

May 4, 2023

Industry News

News In Brief – May 2023

As if we needed another reason to be grateful to live in this precious corner of the Pacific Northwest, Seattle was just ranked 2nd on the list of healthiest cities in the country. Personal finance website WalletHub released its 2023 report on the healthiest and unhealthiest cities. The study was based on [..]

May 4, 2023

Industry News

SKCR Events Calendar: May 2023

SKCR Events Calendar

May 4, 2023

Industry News

Local, national events will commemorate Fair Housing Month

April marks “Fair Housing Month” as various groups commemorate the 55th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. For REALTORS®, the occasion “signifies a recommitment to advancing equitable opportunities and expanding homeownership.” The National Association of REALTORS® has a dedicated website for Fair Housing Month, where [..]

April 6, 2023

Industry News

King County Assessor updates Realtors on efforts to refresh website, cut costs and obtain tax relief

During an information-packed presentation to members of the Governmental and Public Affairs Committee of the Seattle King County REALTORS®, King County Assessor John Wilson explained what his office does, how property values are set, how property taxes are calculated, differing values in a sampling of cities, and exemptions for seniors. [..]

April 6, 2023

Industry News

Seattle startup offers home maintenance program for first-time homeowners

Homeowners, particularly first-timers, in six residential communities in Seattle can be part of a proof-of-concept test for a newly-launched company that provides twice-yearly home inspections and a digital platform to create a checklist for home maintenance and upkeep. The startup, Onder, was co-founded by former Expedia director David Krieger, he [..]

April 6, 2023

Industry News

Housing associations host policymakers for bus tour of Missing Middle housing, speech by urban designer

Cottages, alley homes, townhouses and other well-designed, attainably-priced examples of our housing future were showcased last month during a “Missing Middle Housing Bus Tour.” Stakeholders from jurisdictions throughout King County joined representatives from organizations involved in the housing industry last month for the half-day tour and luncheon program featuring  an [..]

April 6, 2023

Industry News

Urban planner from firm on forefront of Missing Middle Housing shares insights with policymakers, housing advocates

Following a tour of various examples of Missing Middle housing, policymakers from jurisdictions around King County joined advocates from various housing organizations, including Realtors, to hear remarks from Mitali Ganguly of Opticos Design. Ganguly, an architect and certified planner, joined Opticos in 2017. That firm, founded in 2000, is recognized [..]

April 6, 2023

Industry News

News In Brief

 A new report from the Washington State Department of Commerce found that the state needs to add 1.1 million homes over the next 20 years to keep up with expected population growth. That averages out to more than 50,000 new units a year and Commerce said half of those homes need [..]

April 6, 2023

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