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…of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the website (our “Website“) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing…

New law aims to thwart robocallers

New consumer protections under the TRACED Act (Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act) means robocallers based in the U.S. will face tighter scrutiny and stiffer penalties. The new

News In Brief

and a change in the average income test, which should result in hundreds of thousands of new affordable housing units. The NFIP is extended until July 31, 2018. This avoids…

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…2017 when the region added more than 80,000 people each year. Other trends: there are 2.8 new people for every new housing unit added; over 380,000 jobs have been added…

Multifamily construction hits 50-year high

…projected to deliver 15,341 apartments before year end. New York claims the top spot with a record 28,153 new rental apartments anticipated during 2022. That volume is nearly 50% higher…

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…Owned by Banks (REOs) 13th – Population Growth Rate Bellevue ranks 9th overall and 6th among small cities. For the full report, please visit: A new report says Seattle-area…

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