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Industry News

Facebook pledges improved ad policies in response to HUD discrimination complaint

Prompted in part by a discrimination complaint filed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Facebook announced changes to its real estate advertising policies. Concurrently, the National Association of REALTORS® issued a statement supporting HUD’s aggressive enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. HUD’s complaint alleged Facebook’s advertising platform enabled [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Stopgap vote continues short-term funding for flood insurance

Congress passed a seventh stopgap extension to the National Flood Insurance Program much to the relief of thousands of current and potential homeowners. The Senate approved the measure by an 86-to-12 vote, sending it to President Trump for his signature just hours before the Aug. 1 deadline. Realtors applauded the [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

New Department of Local Service formed to serve King County’s unincorporated areas

Unincorporated areas of King County, where a quarter-million people live, are the intended beneficiaries of a new department County Executive Dow Constantine proposed earlier this year. Starting January 1, 2019, the new Department of Local Services will be tasked with improving the delivery of services in rural areas as well [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Improving supply helps slow escalating home prices in Western Washington

KIRKLAND, Washington (September 7, 2018) – House-hunters in Western Washington can choose from the largest supply of homes in three years, and they are facing fewer bidding wars, according to officials from Northwest Multiple Listing Service. New statistics from the MLS show prices appear to be moderating (up about 6.7 [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

NWMLS Monthly Market Snapshot

Share on Social Media You are able to download the infographic to republish on your website or provide to clients. Usage Terms Subscribers may provide NWMLS’s Market Snapshot infographics to clients and prospective clients. Subscribers may republish NWMLS’s Market Snapshot infographics on websites, blogs, e-mails, newsletters, postcards, etc. Subscribers may [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

News In Brief

Ever dropped your phone? A device that can break its fall has been unveiled. The ADcase (Active Damping case) protects your display by deploying springy legs when it detects the handset is falling. The award-winning device is the brainchild of Philip Frenzel, 25, who created it as the thesis for [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Remodeling trending upward as housing stock, homeowners age

As the median age of the U.S. owner-occupied housing climbs higher, analysts believe it signals growth for the remodeling market. Old structures normally require new amenities or replacement and repairs of older components, they explain. “Rising home prices also encourage homeowners to spend more on home improvement,” noted Na Zhao, [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Multiple groups challenge Seattle’s rezoning plans as path to worsen displacements

Several neighborhood groups and housing activists, together with small businesses and environmentalists, are questioning whether Seattle’s housing affordability efforts are backfiring. Rather than create the expected volume of affordable housing, some representatives suggest proposed programs will worsen displacement. In a report published by South Seattle Emerald, writer Carolyn Bick cited [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Developers can boost profits by researching amenity preferences

Developers risk foregoing profits by not being attuned to shifts in home buyer amenity preferences, according to John Burns Real Estate Consulting. That firm’s recent survey of more than 23,000 new home shoppers, coupled with the experience of two senior vice presidents, identified several dominant trends for planned communities. Steve [..]

September 14, 2018

Industry News

Realtor Safety Reminders

September heralds the annual observation of REALTOR® Safety Month and with it, reminders to make safety a year-round commitment. In a recent post to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Safety Month, the National Association of Realtors told its members,  “The risks you face seem to grow more frequent and more [..]

September 14, 2018

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